Art and well-being

Art Mentum is a resource platform that provides knowledge about art, storytelling and art therapy as trauma therapy. Through instructional videos, podcasts and case-based articles, we provide inspiration for practitioners, therapists and others who want to integrate art and creative methods into their work.

Online course

Online courses

Want to learn more about art therapy in trauma processing? Sign up for our inspiration courses, consisting of five video modules where you’ll learn about techniques and methods from art therapy.

Man with a paintbrush in front of his face


Listen to the ArtMentum podcast with hosts Cæcilie Liv Carlsen and Loa Brix. Through conversations with our guests, we give listeners insight into how art therapy can be used as a tool to help people move forward in their lives.



Visit our article section where you can find relevant knowledge and inspiration for applying art therapy in your work with traumatized clients. We offer articles from experts in the field and also share experiences and case studies.